How to use this resource

Use the Progression Outcome Statements and Knowledge Organisers to audit current provision. Where there are gaps you may wish to use some of the suggested activities in Goodness and Mercy.
As a CE/Methodist school, the orange sections of the materials are unlikely to be in other resources and need to be considered carefully to supplement current provision.

Use the Knowledge Organisers and Possible Activities Plans to support lesson planning.
The orange sections of the materials are written with CE/Methodist schools in mind and support a distinctively Christian theological approach to RSHE.

Use the Progression Outcome Statements and Knowledge Organisers to audit your current provision.
If there are gaps, refer to the Possible Activities Plans to decide whether the activities in Goodness and Mercy might be useful to ensure you will be meeting the statutory requirements.

Use the Knowledge Organisers and Possible Activities Plans to support lesson planning.
The orange sections of the materials are written with CE/Methodist schools in mind. They support a distinctively Christian theological approach to RSHE so may not be relevant to you. They could be included, where appropriate to supplement current provision.
What this resource is
- Free. It has been generously funded through the provision of Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance, Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education and The Sarum St Michael’s Educational Charity.
- Best practice. Largely comprising the best materials that are freely accessible online and that deliver the statutory expectations of the DfE. These materials are woven with ideas to ensure that they are grounded in a Christian understanding of the value of human life and mutual fulfilment.
- Ecofriendly. An intentionally ‘footprint light’ resource. Wherever possible, adaptations are used to reduce photocopying, although links do lead to some downloadable worksheets.
What this resource is not
- A ‘pick up and walk into a classroom tomorrow’ fix-all.
- A series of lesson plans with accompanying worksheets and PowerPoint for each lesson.
- A scheme of work arranged by year group. Schools are all different so you will need to consider how best to deliver the schemes of work and lesson ideas in your own context.
How to use this resource
Subject leader
Follow the diagram above. If you are using Goodness and Mercy as your main resource, look at the Key Stage Knowledge Organisers to identify core knowledge and decide how best to sequence the learning across the different threads (e.g. healthy eating or anti-bullying) for your context.
Evaluate the impact of the learning (e.g. through learning walks, pupil conferencing and work scrutiny). Provide staff with supportive feedback and set new objectives. Continue a cycle of evaluation and adaptation, where necessary.
Class teacher
Using the Possible Activities Plans, select the activities that will ensure that the learning outcomes are achieved for the specific thread (such as family or the media and self-esteem) that you are teaching. If you are using another resource as the basis of your RSHE curriculum, incorporate the appropriate supplementary (orange) tasks into your lessons.
Write your lesson plans, teach and review their impact.